Sport Mental Health First Aid Online Course
Question What is the common story from each of the athletes in the clip?
The stories are more common than you would think within the world of sports, these thoughts and experiences don't only affect elite athletes. Sports people from all genres, ages and sexes have the potential to experience psychological challenges that may effect their abilities, energy levels, determination, performance levels, participation, prone to injuries, decision making, prospects and more.
The only thing missing from the World of Sport is YOU. Become a Qualified Sports Mental Health First Aid Person today by completing our online interactive course.
We would like to thank Guardian for putting this video together and help share the message*it's ok not to be ok.* but when you are not ok a Sports Mental Health First Aid Person will be there for support.
The above clip has been used for educational purposes
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This clip is being used for educational purposes

About Course
This course delves into critical aspects of mental health within the field of sport, providing participants with essential knowledge and skills to effectively recognise, support, and manage mental health issues.
Through a series of modules, learners will explore the nuances of mental health among athletes, coaches, and managers, gaining practical insights into creating supportive environments and conducting effective mental health interventions.
What Will You Learn?
By completing this course, you will learn:

Comprehensive understanding of various mental health challenges athletes face in sports.

Recognition of signs and symptoms of mental health issues among athletes.

Strategies to support and manage mental health effectively in sports environments.

Practical Skills
Practical skills in conducting mental health support sessions tailored for athletes.

Techniques for creating a supportive and inclusive sports environment.

Confidence in providing initial mental health aid in sports settings.
Course Content
- Module 1: Understanding poor mental health
- Module 2: Mental health of managers and coaches and the effects on players
- Module 3: Sports Injuries and how it effects players Psychology
- Module 4: Mental health of players
- Module 5: Sports mental health first aid professional
- Module 6: Supporting techniques
- Module 7: Constructing a support session
All questions are followed by multiple choice answers
There is an observation section at the end of each module, this will test your listening skills. We implemented a word search in to one of the modules. Please don't feel daunted by the title of this course we have made it interactive and as enjoyable as we can.
No previous qualifications are needed.
Once you have completed the course you will get a bronze, silver or Gold certificate depending on your final score, you will become a valued member of our organization.
The course is currently discounted due to the cost of living to £35